Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Coming Home

Coming home was SO uncomfortable. It was so painful to drive the three hours with a neck fusion that wasn't healed. The best thing I could do was tilt my chair pretty far back so the bumps didn't affect my neck as much. When I got home the girls weren't home yet. I missed them so much and the wait for them to come home was just as bad as the drive I think.
Once I was settled in my husband had to go back to work and my mom lived at my house until I could do things on my own again. She lived with me for three weeks. She drove my kids to school and dance. Cooked, cleaned, looked after my son who just turned 4 three months earlier.

I didn't have my first real shower until about 8-9 days after surgery. It was an exciting day when I was allowed to. Sponge baths just don't cut it. I had to wait until the bandages had come off on their own. The stitches were on the inside.
This was after the large bandages could come off but before the small ones were off. You can see there was a lot of bruising from the surgery.

This was the incision on my hip, which is still quite swollen. They needed to take a piece of my hip to put in my neck for the fusion. (ignore the stretch marks, from kids :p)

I also had to wear a collar every time I was in a vehicle to stabilize my neck. I wore this for almost three weeks.

And I was on Tylenol 3 and a heavy anti-inflammitory for pain.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Surgery Day and Stay in Hospital

Here I am, laying in a hospital bed waiting for the surgery to start. Putting on my brave face for my son. He iskissing my IV because as he sees it, it's another owy.

I was actually just getting over a cold when I was waiting for surgery to start. I had a slight cough and my throat was a little swollen on one side and sore. I was so worried that they would cancel the surgery because of it, didn't want to wait any more. They went ahead, not really knowing I was feeling that way, I don't reccommend doing this, unless of course you live in Canada and already waited 3 years. (add a little sarcassim)

They had me in the operating waiting room after that where a nurse asked a few questions about the operation just to make sure I knew what was about to happen. Then my doctor came to my bedside and went over things again with me. I asked if the pain will be as bad as the flare ups I had and he said he would be surprised if it was. That reasured me, tired of the pain.

This brought me to the operating room. The guys all introduced themselves to me while I was laying on a freezing cold bed with no blanket preping me. The anathegeologist was sticking cold monitors on me and asked if I was having fun yet. lol Another guy said, 'looks like you got the all guy room'. They put a mask on me and told me they were just giving me extra oxygen at which point I looked at him with a dirty look thinking I ain't falling for that. I hear him say 'nice deep breaths', started to feel very tired all of a sudden, then I was out.

Me with an oxygen tube, Mikhail (my son) in the background checking the monitor.

When I started to wake up my hand went immediately to my neck. It was so painful. The nurse stopped me from grabbing my neck so I asked if I could have something for it. She rolled up a small towel and placed it under my neck, from then to about day 5 that was my pillow.

My son giving me another hug :)

No, not a flattering photo of my AT ALL. Here I am with my 'pillow'. The rolled up towel was the only way I could tollerate the pain.

This was the incision area where they performed the surgery still bandaged up.

and the lovely slippers I got to use.

My son helped me through this more that he will ever know. <3

I had to get up and try to walk after the surgery. I knew I would do better if I did. My son liked to go with me.

Dinner, I remember having a hard time eating this. I was really hard to swallow after the surgery for about three days. I felt like I was choking on my food.

my 'help' button.

Bruises from the pain shots they were giving me. They were not to gentle with those.


My water and the Juice I saved for when my son was coming. Juice is a treat in our house. :)

Breakfast, more choking...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

On the way to surgery...

I was still in denial over the whole thing actually taking place. I think it is because I've waited 3 years this way. My mom had the girls, they had to perform on stage while I was under the knife! They are so brave. On the way we had stopped for dinner. Also had to past through a mountain area where it was snowing and traffic was bad. The girls and I emailed each other a million times while I prepped in the hotel room the night before. I was scared. I just didn't want to deal with pain anymore.